Essential Tips for Bringing Dogs and Cats Together

If you have a cat and are considering adopting a dog or vice versa, bringing them together can be challenging. While some cats and dogs simply may not be able to stand each other, there are some steps you can take to maximize your success.

Keep in mind that before you commit to taking another animal, it’s best to consider the personality of the dog or cat you own currently. If your dog is aggressive or your cat is extremely shy, they may not do well with the other species. Additionally, if you’re adopting another cat or dog, it may be best to look for an animal which already has experience with the other species in the past.

With this in mind, you can help to improve their chances of getting along with the following tips.

Set Up the Home

The first meeting can pave the way to a good or bad relationship so make sure you focus on this time. After bringing the new pet home, keep them in separate areas of the house. They should be separated by a door and allowed free roam of that area. Give each animal a few days in order to get used to each other’s scent around the house and take note of any signs that things are not going well.

A dog that barks constantly at the cat or a cat that won’t leave the hiding place probably means that they won’t get along. In this case, you may need to consider getting another pet or working with a professional to build a healthy relationship. Make sure that you always keep them separate when you’re not home to avoid any unsupervised interactions.

Once the dog is calm and the cat is calm, using the litter box normally, and eating, you can proceed to the next step.

Make Introductions on a Leash

Put the dog on a leash and then allow both animals to be in the same room at the same time. The animals may show an interest in each other or ignore each other completely. This is perfectly fine. Allow them to be in the same room and then separate them after an hour or two. Continue with this type of introduction daily until the dog is calm and ignoring the cat and the cat seems calm as well.

If there is any fear or aggression by either animal, continue with this step until both animals appear to be comfortable. The dog and cat should seem happy and relaxed around each other. Don’t allow them to be unsupervised or off leash until they are calm and comfortable.

Introduce Unsupervised Time

After they seem comfortable, you can allow the dog off the leash and keep them in the same room. In most cases, the dog will be more interested in the cat and may want to play. If the cat seems uninterested, that’s perfectly fine and normal. The cat may choose to run away and allow the cat to avoid the dog as this is more normal for them. It’s likely that they will get used to each other within a few weeks. After you continue to monitor their behavior, allow them to remain in the same space but provide areas where each animal can be alone.

For cats, this is often a cat house or area where they can be out of reach of the dog. Dogs often prefer their crate and may want to go in there to get away from the cat, especially kittens which can be very high energy.

Monitor for Warning Signs

While many cats and dogs can co-exist and even enjoy each other, this pairing doesn’t work out in every case. If the cat growls, hisses, or swats at your dog, then give the cat a break and try another day. If this behavior doesn’t subside over time, then the cat likely won’t be a good fit for a home with a dog. Similarly, dogs who are constantly lunging and snapping at a cat probably are going to be too aggressive to co-exist. It may be better to try with another animal.And mèo anh lông ngắn cat is friendly to any dog,they understand dog behavior

Finally, if you’re struggling to have both animals, keep in mind that it may be best to raise a cat and dog together. By being together from an early age, they will feel more comfortable with each other. This may not always be an option but is a great way to encourage getting along. If not possible, use these tips to help a cat and dog get along.